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6 Easy Ways To Solve Your Post-Holiday Clutter Problems

christmas clutter

Everyone has different habits and practices when it comes to cleaning up after Christmas. Some people like to clear out their holiday decor ASAP, but others like to keep them up for a while. I tend to fall into the latter group. I usually don’t take down our Christmas decorations until after New Years Day!

So whether you’ll be tackling post-holiday clutter in the next few days or in a week or two, I figured that today would be a good day to start thinking about it! Because staying organized after Christmas can be a tricky thing. Not only do you need space to store your decor once you pack it away, you need space for any new gifts you received too!

So to help keep the clutter under control, today I’ll be sharing 6 things that you can get rid of to free up some storage space. Many of the items on this list are easy to forget about, and they may have been taking up your valuable storage space for quite some time! There’s no time like the present to clear these things out, in order to give yourself the space you need to stay organized after the holidays. :-)


christmas decorations

1. Old Decorations

Before you take your holiday decorations down, take stock of which items never came out of your holiday storage boxes this year. If there’s anything in there you no longer use or like, donate it to a local thrift shop!

christmas cards

2. Your Christmas Card Collection

If you’re as sentimental as I am, you likely hold on to every Christmas card you receive for much longer than you need to. If you have a big stack of old Christmas cards somewhere, take the time to sort through them. Keep the ones that are really special to you, then recycle the rest.

selling stuff online

3. Unused Gifts

Every once in a while, you end up with a gift that you didn’t really want and never got around to using. (It happens to everyone!) If an unused gift is taking up valuable storage space, there’s no shame in getting rid of it! You can always donate it, or sell it for some extra cash through Facebook Marketplace.

can opener

4. Duplicate Items

If you just got a new waffle maker for Christmas, make sure to get rid of the old one! There’s no sense in continuing to store an old item if you know you’re going to be using the new one.

christmas tree

5. Anything You’re Planning To Replace

Consider your holiday decorations, and ask yourself if you will be replacing any of them next year. For instance, if you want to get a new Christmas tree next year, just throw out the old one now! There’s no reason to store it all year if you’re planning to get rid of it eventually.

christmas clutter

6. Used Gift Wrap

Some people manage to save old wrapping paper and actually get around to re-using it! Others of us save gift wrap with the intention to reuse it, but never actually do anything with it. If you’re in the second group, it’s best to just accept it and not keep the gift wrap in the first place. Recycle it!

christmas presents

Bonus Tip: Consider Your Own Gifting Habits!

Some gifts take up a lot of valuable storage space. And that’s okay, as long as that item is something the recipient really wants! In the future, consider giving gifts that don’t take up a lot of space. Things like homemade treats, gift cards, and photos are good gifts for anyone who doesn’t have a lot of storage space to spare!

I hope these tips help you get a bit more organized in the coming days and weeks! And if you’re feeling that post-holiday decluttering marathon coming on, check out the post below for even more ideas of things you can get rid of!

Related: 30 Things You Should Get Rid Of Today!


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